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“You are my best friend!!….But she is too….” ;)

I must admit…this picture & the contents of this post are both inspired from my very close friend…Lets call her Ms. S…. She made me think deeper into a general philosophy most of us have….

So the credit to this picture goes to Ms. S…who asked me to click this picture because she was pretty much fascinated by the little hearts biscuits… Surprisingly, the message in the picture didn’t come to me right away….But just a few days later, when i was having this chat with Ms. S regarding the soon to be published yearbook & what each of us had written about the other, the hidden message simply emerged out of this picture…

Well it goes like this….

Me: So Ms. S!….I was really touched about the fact that you said I was your ‘Best Friend’ in the yearbook manuscript…

Ms. S: Ohh really…jeez….that’s sweet… But don’t be too flattered :P…. I said that about Ms. N too…

Me: Jerk!!…. & here I was thinking I was your Only Best Friend…. L

Ms. S: [smiles]….awww teddy….. 😉 But you are my only Best friend!!

As simple as this conversation seems, it is something most of us have innately discovered & have had conflicted ideas about from a very long time now….

Do we really have ONE Best Friend?….is it possible to have ONE Best Friend??….Maybe!…. but on what grounds do we evaluate this best friend as compared to the rest of the friends that we have….

Is it the number of times we have had a laugh with them….or is it the number of times our friend has wiped our tears and cheered us up when we were down….

I know most of you would argue saying, “we just know when its our best friend”…. do we really?….

How many of us have actually forgotten about the person who wiped our tears when we cried, as soon as we get a person who made us laugh for a few seconds….

Its not something we have to blame ourselves for, entirely….its probably our subconscious that tricks us most of the times….we get carried away by the moment…. & forget all about the things our friends have done for us all along the way…. As a very close friend of mine, Ms. T says, “Just because you have had a few conflicts in the recent times with your close friends….It doesn’t erase all the good times you have had with the same friends at one point of time…. & you will always owe those splendid memories to them, and nobody can replace those moments no matter what happens henceforth”…

So the picture shows a lot of little hearts….some sweeter than the other…. some bigger, some smaller…. But they all are the sweet little hearts that will sweeten your taste…. there wont be one sweet heart you will cherish forever or consider to be your best sweet heart…..But you will always know that each one of them bought a sweet flavour to your life in times when you needed them the most…perhaps you have forgotten about each of those instances…but deep down within, you will always know that you have made a friend for life…. & isn’t that all that matters?….  🙂